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Story 2 - Progress

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Four hours later, he rushed out in a huff. Alex had taken the opportunity to blame several things on Jack. Not only that, but Alex had seemed to be making sure the meeting ran over schedule. Jack was prepared to rush back to campus for his class presentation, but knew that rushing, worrying, and driving all at once could be a formula for disaster.

Just then, his cell phone rang. Jack saw that it was a call from his cousin Amy, and he took the call. He sat down in his car, but didn't start it, prepared to wait until he finished talking before he got moving.

"Hey, I just thought you'd want to know that class was canceled today," Amy said. "Apparently Dr. Lawson had a family emergency and he's gone for a few days."

"I sure hope everything's all right," Jack said.

"Me too," Amy said. "But at least for now it means we get a break! No presentations for now."

Jack let his shoulders slump in relief. "Thanks, Amy. Have you had lunch yet?"

"Call me when you get back and I'll meet you in the cafeteria," she replied.

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